The first thing that must be considered is that celiac disease affects each one differently, although we all have intestinal inflammation due to gluten intake. Therefore, even if an asymptomatic celiac does not experience external symptoms, he should also have a strict gluten-free diet for life. Therefore, it is essential to avoid contamination either at home or abroad.

Experts recommend constant hydration and a soft diet to recover from gluten contamination.

Water is essential to help the body to eliminate toxins and to avoid the dehydration that can occur in case of diarrhea or vomiting. There are many ways to include water in our diet, it can be through our own food, such as fruits or vegetables, or through infusions such as chamomile or mint that will make the symptoms that can manifest lighter. Water with lemon is a good idea since lemon is astringent and helps slow down diarrhea, but always taking into account that there must be enough water to hydrate the body.

The soft diet is one of the most common and effective prescriptions when there are digestive problems. The duration of this diet will vary depending on each case of contamination and what the doctor estimates.

As the next step to the soft diet, due to the fact that our body has suffered an immune reaction from the organism itself, we should make a gradual introduction of the usual gluten-free diet so that the organism adapts in a lighter way.